
Event note "Internet of Things"

On 21st of July the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection hosted a discussion on “Internet of things – data protection and transparency in the Smart Home” within the series of events “360grad”. How does the future look like with the internet of things? Does consumer protection need to be adjusted to it and if so, how? These and further questions were discussed yesterday by Heiko Maas, Federal Minister for Justice and Consumer Protection, Marco Maas, journalist on data, founder and director of Datenfreunde GmbH, Thomas Kremer, board member for data protection, law and compliance at Deutsche Telekom AG and Constanze Kurz, chaos computer club spokeswoman. The topic “Internet of Things” has been examined in Brussels on a European level under the perspective of Consumer Protection in universal digital networks on July 30th. The ABIDA-project commits oneself thoroughly to the topic – on the symposium “Big Data and Society – Between Causality and Correlation” as well as in various dossiers and publications which may serve as literature for further information: The dossiers “Step Into »The Circle« – a focus on Wearables and Self-measurement”, “Big Data and Smart Grid – intelligent energy supply between efficiency and privacy” and the article  and the article “Consumer as Data Supplier: Legal Aspects of Smart Devices” in the anthology “Beautiful new consumer world? Big Data Scoring and the internet” of the publication series “Contributions to Consumer Research”, published by the Kompetenzzentrum für den Verbraucherschutz (KVS NRW) (competence center for consumer protection) and the Verbraucherzentrale NRW (consumer advice center of North Rhine-Westphalia) are accessible online.