


Abida citizen conferences dealing with the expectations on Big Data

In the context of the Big Data research project Abida, which is supported by the BMBF, the results of citizen conferences are – in addition to expert workshops and work in specialized working groups – an important part of the research. In summer of 2016 citizens in Stralsund, Aachen and Kempten were invited to talk about their hopes and concerns about Big Data.


Prof. Dr. Wiegerling is participant at the conference “Big Data made in Germany”

A conference with the topic “Big Data made in Germany” organized by the Berlin University of Applied Sciences will be held on 29 and 30 June 2017 in Berlin. As part of the conference there will be on the second day of the conference a discussion on the topic “How is the next stage of development of Big Data usable?” The panel discussion will be presented by Dr. Sybille Anderl (FAZ) and, among others, Prof. Dr. Klaus Wiegerling, Head of the Working Group on Ethics in the Abida Project, will be part of the panel.


CeBIT 2017 – ABIDA at Hall 6 booth A 18

The project ABIDA (Assessing Big Data) presented its work at CeBIT in Hannover from March 20th until 24th. The Minister of Science and Culture of the State Lower Saxony, Mrs. Heinen-Kljajić, visited the exhibition area and was very interested in the presented BMBF-funded collaborative project. As an interdisciplinary research project, ABIDA endeavors to resolve the tension between the realization of innovation potentials on the one hand, and the protection of individual and social values on the other.


Flyer (Projektbeschreibung)

Flyer with a shortdescription of the project:

Flyer (PDF)

L3S@work introduces ABIDA-project

The ABIDA-project is one of three projects which were chosen to be presented in the current edition of L3S@work. Once a year, the L3S Research Centre releases the paper L3S@work to report on their current work as well as to present projects closely affiliated to their areas of research. Their main research is conducted in the field of fundamental and application-oriented web science.


Cloud data in case of insolvency - An international overview

Cloud computing and Big Data are close connected. In the article “Cloud data in case of insolvency – An international overview” Tim Jülicher investigates which judicial problems are associated with the insolvency of the provider and how a customer can save data which were outsourced in the cloud.


A ridable dataset – issues of data-protection law in the modern car

Nowadays, the modern car is much more than merely a car. Continuously, there are more and more data gained and processed. Thus one can talk from a wheeled computer. This goes hand in hand with a number of juridical problems which are not solved yet. By solving these problems an important guideline has to be the appropriate balance between data protection and innovation protection.


Data – The new oil?

Max von Schönefel, Data – The new oil?!, in: Jusletter IT 21 May 2015

Articel (PDF)

The elimination of cloud-data pursuant to § 47 INSO

Cloud computing services enjoy great popularity. Thereby, the question how one can deal with the cloud data is seldom considered. In particular, this applies in cases of the insolvency of the provider. How can the customer gain “its” data in this case?  


Big Data and its social consequences

In our modern and digitalized society the generating, conjunction and evaluation of big amount of data - often connected with the term “Big Data” - affects almost all areas of life. Linked computer technology, smartphones, social networks, diverse online offers and the perversion of the everyday life with the “Internet of Things” lead to a rapid proliferation of data sources and amount of data. Besides the potential of Big Data, e.g. in the sector of economy and medicine, the social challenges become more apparent.

Articel (PDF)

Big Data and its social consequences

In our modern and digitalized society the generating, conjunction and evaluation of big amount of data - often connected with the term “Big Data” - affects almost all areas of life. Linked computer technology, smartphones, social networks, diverse online offers and the perversion of the everyday life with the “Internet of Things” lead to a rapid proliferation of data sources and amount of data. Besides the potential of Big Data, e.g. in the sector of economy and medicine, the social challenges become more apparent.

Articel (PDF)

Brave new Consumerworld? Big Data, Scoring and the Internet of Things

Dr. Barbara Kolany-Raiser, project coordinator of the ABIDA-project, has contributed an essay “Verbraucher als Datenlieferant: rechtliche Aspekte von smarten Produkten“ to Volume 5, “schöne neue Verbraucherwelt? Big Data, Scoring und das Internet der Dinge", of the series of papers “Beiträge zur Verbraucherforschung”, published by the Kompetenzzentrum für den Verbraucherschutz (KVS NRW) and the Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V..